Sunday, March 2, 2008

Living a good life

As much as I like to complain about almost anything, I have to post at least once and awhile as a reminder that we live a pretty good life. Better than most. We have a home, good jobs (as frustrating and dull as they may be), wonderful dogs, and great friends and family. My biggest complaint as of late is the lack of time. Time to do all the great wonderful things I want to do. I want to take pictures, play with my dogs, hang with my husband, hang with my friends and even just with myself. I want time to read some good books and learn about stuff that I want to learn, not want my job wants me to learn. Sometimes, time is not on my side. Every year that I get older, time becomes more and more limited and precious. That I have to spend at least one third of my week at the office, and that the work gets me down, because I think it is hampering my creativity. I'm stuck in that common conundrum in which my work allows me the funds to be able to do those fun things that I want to do, but it is a trade off because it limits my time.

As I struggle right now about what I want to do and what I need to sacrifice, I have to remind myself, that overall, I'm better off than most.

I mean, look at the love and affection I get:

The sweetness:

Look at the great relationship that I have:

And all the beauty around me.

Life is pretty good.
Now I just need to find the time....maybe it's hanging out in my closet.

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