Wednesday, February 27, 2008

All things start with....a beginning

How do you start a new blog. Do you start with something profound? Like, I'm blogging to make a difference, to the save world, something important. Well, that's not how this is starting. I'm starting this blog because I sit in a cubicle, large and nice so I'm told, but a cubicle all the same. Day in and day out I sit in 3.5 walls of beige cubicle space just tall enough so that everyone can walk by and gawk at me (gawking is another post by the way). So I sit there 5 days a week and every second, every minute, every hour, I feel my creativity and essence seeping away. Corporate America is the sponge that is sucking up all that is me.

This a a blog is a place to renew my self and help get out all the things that well up inside of me during the day. I'm sure it will also help me man as well, as he's hoping my incessant bitching about so and so director, or stupid idiot manager, or anyone who happens to give me the stink eye even remotely, will cease and desist. Dream on baby. This girl was made for bitching. It's in my genes you know.

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