It's been a long time in posting my non-existent readers, but I feel compelled to spread my gospel or opinion, either or depending on your inclination. I've been listening and watching and reading alot about this huge bailout that is being suggested for these large financial institutions. Now I'm not an economist nor a financial whiz, but I have an opinion and I thinks it's pretty legit.
So our current administration of dumdums are suggesting that we, the blessed citizens of this country reach deep into our pockets to "bail" out this institutions that dug themselves into a pile of deep doodie. Let me think about this for a second....ok, thought done and the answer if FUCK NO! This is not the way to go. I will admit that there is some responsibility that should be held by all of us, but I'll get into that in a bit.
First let me ask you this, for the past two terms of our numbnuts of an administration the Republicans have wanted to privatize everything. Forget about social security, lets privatize it. Socialized healthcare??? No way, that sounds a bit to lefty. They wanted less government interference these bloodless money grubbing corporations and that's what happened as the politicians pockets were lined with the dollars of corporate lobbyists. The government was sucking at the teat of corporations taking it straight up the ass b/c their asses were lubed with money. So these corporations were left loose like a 7 yr old driving his grammies SUV. The invested and encourage sub prime loans, I mean, puhlease, why would they even consider checking anyone's salary, that's just moronic. The told people, go ahead and buy that over inflated million dollar McMansion, you don't have to put any money down, no worries, we trust you. Investments sprouted based on debt. I'm sure there were lots of people with MBA's after their names thinking they were the fucking Einstein's of the financial world and they sat around a circle jerk with each other.
Well the shit has hit the fan. Let me ask another question? The people running these companies, what kind of bonuses did they get, what were their salaries? They made out like bandits laughing all the way to the bank, laughing at us. Now the all bets are due and guess what, they need help. Well cry me a fucking river. So sorry that you fucked up, but why should suck it up and give you a handout? The bums always lose and it's time for the people that were running the show to be accountable. So maybe they can't bail it out all the way, but come on, those fucks at the top show no remorse and of course they are now tighter with their money than a virgins pussy. So what happened to all this the government should not be involved bullshit I've been hearing for years? These idgits that our administration "left alone" really fucked it up. They can't even wipe their ass without their admins to count out the sheets of toilet paper for them. So now we should all accept their bad decisions led be greed? I mean please, the government is asking me to take it up the ass without lube and not even inching it in. It's a straight up slam in my ass. Well, you can't have my money.
What do I get? I've paid my bills on time, I've paid my mortgage and I've managed my money. What do I get for being a fucking financial genius and not having to declare bankruptcy? Do I get the government to help me? Hells to the NO! Let me tell you what would have happened to me. Lets say I bought a house I couldnt' afford. Racked up debt to my eyeballs on plasma TV's and Range Rovers. All of a sudden I realize, Shite, I can't even pay the minimum on my credit card, I can't pay my mortgage. I'll tell you what I would get. A repo an on my Range Rover, a foreclosure notice on my home and a credit record that wouldn't even allow me to get a cell phone contract. I get no bailouts. The citizen's of this country are not the rich mommy and daddy for these corporate fuckups and all you politicians, stop convincing me I have to do it.
There have been bad times in the past, but this current cluster fuck has all been created by greed and a complete disregard of common sense. I don't need a fucking MBA to know that what was done by Wall Street is about as smart as sticking your dick over a flame. SO STOP ASKING FOR MY HELP. FUCK YOU.
Now I said earlier that we the citizen's do need to be partially responsible. We all wanted to get rich fast and as shareholders asked these corporations for more. For Jebus sake, stop being money grubbing assholes. We basically asked to get rich off of nothing. We said give us more money as shareholders, I don't give a shit if you ship my job to China...I want five more cents on the dollar. I don't care if my products are safe, puhlease, people need to stop being pussies. I'll just go to Wal-Mart and save a buck and disregard that all those products are made by poor Chinamen. Stop being greedy. If you really thought you could live in a million dollar home on a combined income of 60K you should be kicked in the balls and should maybe live in a shitty apartment for awhile. In the meantime, I get to see all that money I put in a 401K take a shit dive. Thanks, glad I saved.
People need to be realistic. Money doesn't grow on trees, we all can't get rich fast. We need regulations to make sure these corporations don't overstep their boundaries. I watch my own company ship more jobs to Mexico b/c as I was told, why pay 2 k for a salary when we can pay 600. Um, ok. I saw my bonus shrink and my raise be put on hold but I noticed no decrease in salaries of the executive. Well Fuck You! We need to all accept that we shouldn't get the cheapest prices for the sake of no jobs for our own people. Fair prices and fair wages. Pay a little more and keep the jobs here. These corporations should not get tax breaks if they ship jobs outside the country. They shouldn't get shit for setting up tax shelters and routing their businesses through companies that have less restrictive tax laws.
Now I know something has to be done...oh we could save some money if we ended the war....I mean we are trillions of dollars in debt for that. People need to educate themselves. Read and watch more instead of basing all your decisions on Fox news. People just don't give a shit about it, but it's gonna catch up to all of us sooner or later. As you are LOLing with your friends via text, maybe you won't feel that 12 inch dick they are trying to shove up our asses.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
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